It's up!
It's not completely finished, but it's up! I'll be posting from the new site from now on! Change your bookmarks, links, etc.
Click Here!
Thanks everyone!
One day I will run a trashy tabloid. Until then, this will have to suffice.
At 6/12/2006 09:16:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Wow looks fantastic Rosie! I must say I am going to miss this page though. I've been visiting your blog since february although I always post as anon and its nice to see how its grown.
At 6/13/2006 04:15:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
I don't like the formatting of the pics. I like how they are now on this site. I don't like the thumbnails and the larger pics look of poor quality. Sorry Rosie but I'm not a fan of the new page.
At 6/13/2006 04:35:00 PM,
Rosie said…
I don't know why but that comment upset me.
I made a comment on this on the new site. But I really don't know how to fix it. The blog itself can't host the photos without using all my memory and bandwidth for the month in a couple of days. I can't find a photo host with an attractive, larger thumbnail. Most of the larger photos on the page are straight from the agencies. I'm sorry you don't like it. Hopefully you'll still visit. If not, then it was nice of you to stop by here.
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