On Thursday, Britney was leaving the Ritz Carlton Hotel in New York. As she maneuvered through the crowd of onlookers, holding a glass in one hand and her baby in the other, she tripped. Sean's hat flew off, his head snapped back and a bodyguard made the precious save.
After the incident, Britney went to FAO Schwartz with Sean, shopped around and then went to a nearby restaurant where she sat with Sean in hand. She was all smiles with the waitress and she and an unidentified woman ordered. Then, suddenly, Britney broke down and began crying. She tried to mask the emotion by using her baby to shield her face. Britney then took Sean to the bathroom where we're told she reapplied her makeup and then left. [
At 5/19/2006 09:47:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
She should have both hands on that baby or have him in a stroller. Her and her freakin drinks. Let the body guard carry the drink or the baby. And she's having another....good lord.
Snapping his head back like that.....grrrrrr.
At 5/19/2006 09:53:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
What a piece of work she is.
At 5/19/2006 10:37:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
I can't believe I agree with Floh!! She is going to have a breakdown. Unfortunatly she's pregnant and this is all sooo unhealthy for her and the baby. Not to mention Sean, look at him so innocent having to sit and listen to his mom cry, I shure hope he turns out ok.
I think everyone needs to lay off Britney!!
At 5/19/2006 10:46:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Poor Sean to see his Mom cry????
What about poor Sean fell out of a high chair.
Poor Sean not in a car seat.
Poor Sean not fastened in the car correctly.
Poor Sean having his head snapped back.
Does anyone get it???? HELLO!!!!
At 5/19/2006 10:48:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
All the people asking others to layoff of Britney are the very ones who'll be begging the courts skin her alive when something beyond repair happens to her son. She's irresponsible. She's depressed, and she's headed to a dangerous place unless she gets her priorties straight. Children should come first whether you're rich or poor, and IMO, neither she and definitly not her husband seem to do this. If she were one of my cases, she'd have a CPS worker checking in weekly or more.
At 5/19/2006 10:57:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Even though she has used some bad judgement as far as parenting goes, the worst thing she has done is get pregnant again. Not just because she is having a hard time adjusting to motherhood (and she is definitely not alone but the rest of us do not have the cameras on us 24/7!) but because obviously her marriage is shaky. Even the best marriages would be pressured with 2 kids in 2 years. Plus, K-Fed probably leaves the childcare to her most of the time even though SHE is the breadwinner for the family. She's got a lot on her plate.
At 5/19/2006 11:39:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
WOW, it's getting kinda hot in here!!
I can't believe that I'm being called out. Yes, I said look at Sean sitting there listening to his mom cry, have a heart Anon. 10:46, he's an innocent little guy.
Anon. 10:48 needs to lay off with the "skinning alive"? WTF is that all about!!
At 5/19/2006 11:49:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Okay- bad parenting aside for a minute...
What the hell is she wearing?!?!
At 5/19/2006 12:40:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
WhereTF is Kevin?
At 5/19/2006 12:43:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Oh god, he is OK people. Yes, most of us New mother's and father's make mistakes, and they are not on camera...some worse. She is doing fine, she needs to fine tune the car seat stuff, but I feel for her because it must be so hard to leave the house for her anymore, and she likes to be active.
At 5/19/2006 12:58:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
She is so depressed it is written all over her face... I feel really bad for her. I believe she is probably doing a great job as a mother but like everyone else says all mothers and fathers make mistakes and besides those cameras dont help... We all know that her marriage is on the rocks and I also feel that a second baby wasnt a good decision. I really believe that she will get through this all and she will have a great comeback... I will be right there to support her.
At 5/19/2006 02:16:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
She is a new mom, and im sure there a lot she doesnt know...come on all parents make mistake, she will learn and she will get better with time. women shouldnt judge, we all know how hard it is to be a mother and its even more hard when the father is never around. Yes she made a mistake choosing her man, but we all have! Yes she is wrong by being pregnant Again, but we all have unplanned pregnancies. She is famous but not perfect, she was just a random girl who made millions of dollar by becoming the product and now she is living normal with all cameras watching.
I bet if we all sat down and listened to hear her FEMALE problems I bet we all would relate and we all would understand and we all would just give her and advice instead of critizing her....
:-)its my opinion.
At 5/19/2006 02:41:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
She is a new mother and mistakes do happen. She is depressed and motherhood is hard at times. It is probably even harder for her since everything she does is plastered all over the tabloids. How would you feel if everything you did was watched and then reported?? Give her a break.
At 5/19/2006 02:58:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Give me a break... Her objective before having Sean was to be a "Hot Mom". Remember? She hoped to have the positive press that Reece Witherspoon and other classy celebrity mother's recieve.
First off, she has NO class. She is trash with money...barefoot in the public bathrooms...blowing cigarette smoke in photographers faces...drunk Vegas wedding in torn jeans and a trucker's cap.
Next, she is a horrible example to her female fans that look up to her.
In addition, Fed is a deadbeat and still has celebrity status. I hope that dirtbag goes to prison someday. Could you see him reading a book to his kids? Could you see him going to parent/teacher conferences in the future?
Where is her self absorbed mother and family for support? How can any family stand by and watch Federline take advantage of her? How can her family stand by and watch her have a breakdown?
I thank God for my mom every day.
At 5/19/2006 06:59:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
:( chill out guys.. cmon shes human after all..
i feel sad for her..
At 5/19/2006 08:00:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Honestly, I see a poor uneducated new mom trying to do her best. The real question is where is the loser father? It seems that everytime she is trying to do her best in raising this child. It always seems to be ALONE? Has anyone just stopped and thought that maybe she just needs help? I see that breakdown coming though. She's alone, harassed, spyed upon and expecting another bundle to raise by herself. Get his jollies and use her. Did anyone tell her I told you so? Brit-Wake up honey and ditch him look out for you and the youngsters. Move on Baby. Love DOCCO.
At 5/19/2006 08:06:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
I love Brit, and feel bad for her, she can't get away from the cameras. I'd be outta my mind to. Ya know how if a bunch of people are watching you and you know it your EXTRA nervous and mess up, thats prob. how she feels......she is human people!! LEAVE HER THE FUCK ALONE!
At 5/19/2006 08:06:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
I took my niece shopping when she was a baby. I unloaded all the groceries when I got home and forgot the baby for a half hour. Thank God I don't have a camera around to pick up all the mistakes I make and never the good things.
At 5/19/2006 08:44:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'm amazed. Disregarding who britney is other than a young pregnant mother trying to raise a family, I'm picturing all of the other young mothers in the country. You know, sucking on a Marlboro, pierced who knows what and tatoos who knows where, some even married. Gee whiz, their moms and dads just did a marvy job raising them. She isn't standing in the supermarket cashing in food stamps for WIC stuff. I think she's way ahead of the game at this point in her life.
At 5/19/2006 09:22:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
I agree with what you are saying. I am proud of her. I am a first time mom and it is hard because it's scary at times. She does need to get rid of the loser and reach out for help.
At 5/19/2006 10:55:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
You know what is sad....when this baby is born he will have 4 kids in about 4 years. If he wasn't married to a rich lady, he would actually have to work for a living instead of playing at being a rap star and selling baby pictures for income. Of course once the inevitable divorce happens he will REALLY rake in the $$$. I guess in some ways he IS smarter than we give him credit for.
At 5/20/2006 12:02:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
She will bounce back. The woman (yes, woman now) has star quality and talent, and her fans will be waiting for her. She is just in a relationship the WORLD didn't want her to be in. The guy is a total loser, and she loves him and wants to have a family with him. We all see it, but it will take her some time to finally get it. Britney will be back, and I wish her peace and calmness for her pregnant self!
At 5/20/2006 07:39:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Give her a break - she tripped for goodness sake! She was carrying Sean the way any mother has carried their child from time to time and who cares that she was carrying a glass of water in her other hand. What if it was her purse then she'd be a horrible mom for carrying her purse and the baby at the same time. I agree that the car "issues" were a bad decision on Brit's part BUT who hasn't made a bad decision in their lives. We just aren't under the microscope when it happens. Like I said, she tripped - no one got hurt - Sean is fine. Give the poor girl a break - she's got enough pressure dealing with her biggest mistake of all - scummer husband K-Fed (yuk)
At 5/20/2006 07:57:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Poooor Britney.
Let's give her a break. She is such a model mother. I bet all mother's out there see her as a great role model. I bet they feel she deserves to sleep in while the nanny feeds her son and changes his diapers. Let's feel sorry for her because she tripped. Let's blow off the fact that The State of California is watching her every move.
She will do anything to stay in front of the press. Including sacrificing her son to get her picture taken.
At 5/20/2006 08:10:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
At 5/20/2006 09:54:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
i can't believe how judgemental some of you people are. have you never done a thing wrong in your life she has made some mistakes but who hasn't can you imagine being watched 24/7 by someone. having the entire world judging you every day who the hell are we to judge her. she has made some mistakes but she is a first time mother who is learning as she goes along while being watched by everyone in the world. there are a lot worse things going on in the world other than britney tripping while holding her son and a drink. now the girl can't even hold a drink w/o people saying she 's a shitty mother. try dealing with everything she does in a day like kevin, motherhood, career, the press,having another baby w/ the idiot, and not to mention the things that we don't even know about...yet, and see how you do!
At 5/20/2006 10:54:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
If the press would stop chasing her around all this crap woulnt be happening.If she's not carefull we WILL have another lady DI.
At 5/20/2006 11:59:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
You know sometimes before you just start slamming someone you should think about the WHOLE picture. She's a young mother, who has lots of money and could hire a full time nanny if she wanted to, but obviously she loves her son that has to count for something. Second, as for the high chair incident, according to what I've read, that wasn't her fault in any way, shape or form. Third, who hasn't put their child in a car seat facing the front? Fourth, even rich stars can trip when going through a crowd. How many of you mothers out there have ever carried your baby on one hip and something else in your other hand? The only reason this is all blown up is because she's famous. Don't you think the best thing for little Sean is to just leave the poor girl alone? I'm sure her tears were tears of sadness thinking that her son may have been hurt in that fall. Give her a break would ya?
At 5/20/2006 01:18:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Well said anon 11:59AM could not have said it ANY better!
At 5/20/2006 01:53:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'm sure her tears were for herself. She started crying when she noticed the cameras outside the restaurant.
"What are they going to say about me now"??
I am not falling for her crap.
She is pathetic.
At 5/20/2006 02:43:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
There are quite a few responses on this that I agree w/ and many that I don't. I do have this too say about everything that has happened to Britney in the last three years. Unfortunately, she has brought this on herself, by bringing into her life a Dirt Bag of a little boy, cause let's face it, Kevin is not a man. She has made some mistakes as many of us new mothers do, but we don't have the camera's following our every step. What she needs is for someone to teach her, help her, instead of constantly critizing her for every move she makes. Where is Kevin in all of this? Where is her mother? This is Lynn's first grandchild, you would think that even if she wasn't happy about the situation that Britney has put herself in and brough Sean in, you would think as a mother she would WANT to help her daughter out. Teach her. Someone please teach this poor girl before something really BAD happens too Sean. Lynn obviously isn't teaching her a damn thing, she's prob just sitting in the house that Britney bought for her doing what ever she does and Kevin the loser Dirt Bag is off hoaring himself to record exec's that hopefully will never give him the time of day.
At 5/20/2006 04:25:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
You nailed it right on the head anon 2:43.
Your last sentence puts her support group right in perspective.
This is seriously disturbing. Especially the myopic Britney suppoters that see her as infallible.
At 5/20/2006 06:05:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
First of all i just want to say that all of you who are posting bad things about britney need to wake up. Nothing she has done isnt out of the ordinary for a first time mom. Oh godness...she alosmt dropped her son, newsflash im sure EVERY new mother has come upon this many times. And the whole thing with her driving with sean preston in her lap..what was she to do? She barerly was able to leave becuase the press was after her. All you people out there need to look at the big picture. Of course this looks bad, of course it looks like she is an unfit mother but so would anyone else who is in the public eye. She doesnt get a brake, she gets every move carefully watched, photographed and then written about. How would you feel? Oh and for the lady that posted about how dumb britney was for getting pregnant a second time and how it is such a mistake needs a kick in the @ss. No baby is a mistake...It may not be the right timing for her and her maritial problems but thats nobodies buisness but her and her husbands. and no am i in no way a britney spears fan or supporter of her music...but i do believe that she is doing a great job as a mother and im sure she will continue to do a good job.
At 5/20/2006 06:20:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
How often do you read bad press about the following celebrity mothers?:
Angelina Jolie
Reese Witherspoon
Sarah Jessica Parker
Denise Richards
Gweneth Paltrow
All of these women have the same amount of paparazzi following them and they are never criticized for bad parenting. Nor are they investigated by law enforcement.
The fact that you defend her for carrying SP on her lap while driving 40 miles an hour with one photographer following her shows your ability to debate the issue.
At 5/20/2006 07:19:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 5/20/2006 07:40:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anon. 10:48 needs to lay off with the "skinning alive"? WTF is that all about!!
11:39 AM
WTF it's about is "it's what I do for a living, and I will not apoligize for seeing a kid in a precarious situation such as SPF and not allow sentimentality from preventing me from calling it what it is, and it is a a diaster waiting to happen if Britney Spears and her husband don't snap the hell out of it and get their act together for their children." Unless you know what the hell you're talking about when it comes to a child being at the mercy of someone who's supposed to have their best interest at heart but takes shortcuts then you need to step off.
She didn't just become a celeb yesterday, and she's darn sure not the only one being followed and photographed 24/7 so her being caught acting irresponsibale has nothing to do with the paps but with her making poor choices and that's bottomline WTF it's all about.
You don't like it, tough because it's not about you, and I'm about the kid not you or Britney or her loser husband at this point. I'm about the one who can't speak for himself and that's SPF.
At 5/20/2006 08:37:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Bash Britney for the carseat incident but in this case all she did was trip. We all do that.
Also anon 6:20
Angelina has Brad
Reese has Ryan
SJP has Matthew
Denise had Charlie
Madonna has Guy
Gwyneth has Chris
All great fathers.
Britney has KFed and may God have mercy on her soul. Once she kicks his ass to curb, which I hope is very soon, then hopefully things will change for the better.
At 5/20/2006 08:58:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
With all due respect Anon 8:37, who chose KFed? And not sure I'd put Denise in the having help category.
At 5/20/2006 11:27:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Yes, but Britney CHOSE Kevin Priceline people...SHE LOVES THE DORK! He loves her, but he looks like a hanger on, leach, lousy father, and ABSENT.
I agree with the one who said "what was she to do?" (re: driving with Sean on her lap), she wanted to get the fuck away from the parasitic photogs that hound her 24/7.
Those other mothers, they aren't as hounded as Britney is, come on. We wouldn't be as interested in Denise, Reese or Angelina...they aren't in Britney's status of wanted pics, now are they?
Thanks for reading darlings. :))
At 5/21/2006 12:34:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Toni,
Maybe you should read more, comprehend, and get informed. Angelina Jolie is the most sought after celebrity on the planet. Her pictures fetch more money than any other celebrity. Also, she has a career as do the other mothers listed by 6:20.
Just thought I would help you out, darling....
At 5/21/2006 01:33:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Like no one esle, has never done that DUH
At 5/21/2006 11:42:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
I am responding to this first comment on the page. First question...are you mother? If you are, there is no way you had two hands on your baby at every waking moment. If you think you did, you're lying. I have a 3 1/2 month old and I know for a fact that you have to multitask as a mom. If you aren't a mother than you don't know what its like to have a baby on your hip all the time. People make mistakes. Just because she's a mom means she's not allowed to carry a drink? Her bodyguards aren't there to hold her child for her. I feel so bad for her. Everyone is just waiting for her to mess up. I know for a fact as a mom that there have been times where I have almost tripped with my daughter in my arms or she has caught me off guard by her wiggling and gotten away from me a little bit. You've all heard the stories about babies being dropped. As horrible as it sounds, it happens! People are not perfect and sometimes obstacles pop up.
At 5/21/2006 08:01:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Actually the bottom line is....it is pretty apparent that Britney doesn't have a lot of common sense. Maybe it's because she has always had people taking care of her in the past. Now she is an adult, making her own decisions (like marrying some guy on a whim in Vegas and marrying some guy who's gf is pregnant shortly thereafter). Then she is a first time mother who obviously means well but is struggling to cope with taking care of a baby, apparently having issues with her marriage and gets pregnant again (Hello...birth control anyone). I'm sure she will be fine but she sure isn't making things easy for herself. And like someone else said, you would think her Mom would be more involved since she obviously is struggling
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