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One day I will run a trashy tabloid. Until then, this will have to suffice.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Liz Hurley in Hello!

Elizabeth Hurley has denied rumours about her private life in Hello magazine this week. “Contrary to reports in the press, I’m neither engaged, married nor pregnant,” she stated but she says she’ll “definitely let people know when any of the above is true.” She does believe she’s found Mr Right this time though, in the shape of businessman Arun Nayar and she told Hello about how the couple are planning their future together. “Arun would like a baby very much and he’s working on persuading me at the moment, so we’ll see. He’d love a little girl that looks like him. Apparently Liz’s four year old son Damian is a fan of her man too. “Damian has a male role model in his life… (he) was only about nine months old when Arun and I met and he’s never really known a life without him.” “I’m thrilled - he’s great and I’m very lucky.” [Fametastic]


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