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One day I will run a trashy tabloid. Until then, this will have to suffice.

Thursday, March 23, 2006


I admit I got choked up. That's incredible! I started last May, I can't believe how much this site has grown. Thank you so much for coming and leaving such nice comments! Gossip in the morning. ALSO... I have an interview with Sophie Milman in the morning, a Smart. exclusive. Her CD is going to debute in the U.S. on March 28 and I have 5 copies from the record company to give to readers. Send me and email at with the subject CD. No other information is needed at this time. Visit Sophie's site at


  • At 3/24/2006 04:27:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i actually can believe it, i pretty much visit this site everyday to look at the celeb pics!!!

  • At 3/24/2006 04:49:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ever since I saw your blog address on the Today show with Britney's car/ baby incident, I have been hooked. I almost don't need my US magazine anymore! Congrats!

  • At 3/24/2006 08:26:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i used to visit conversationsfamouspeople all the time, but never was too impressed with the virulent dialogue. your site is so much better and love how you update so often. thanks rosie!

  • At 3/24/2006 08:31:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    wow.....many compliments....bye bye from Italy ^___^

  • At 3/24/2006 08:40:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Congrats! Your site is defintiely a must read every day.

  • At 3/24/2006 03:58:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    congrats rosie! ur site is like my daily fix!

  • At 3/26/2006 09:43:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    where is the interview?

  • At 3/26/2006 10:05:00 AM, Blogger Rosie said…

    I'm writing the interview this afternoon! I have had a busy personal life and have been trying to blog. It's almost ready to go, and will be up tonight!


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